Design Team
7 Designers
Philips Experience Design, SERVICE DESIGN DAYS, IBM & Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF)
January 6 - May 22
expert interview,engagement tool, create engagement tools, collect and analyse users' feedback and visualizing the final concept.
This project aims to improving the heart health of people in Europe that are ‘invisible’, neglected, underserved, forgotten or overlooked. After the desk research and expert interview, we finally focused on the independent elderly people with heart condition, who have high risk of relapse without anyone noticing.
According to the Scottish Health Survey 2017, the prevalence of any cardiovascular disease in the ages of over 65 is 73.1%. For those approximately 135,000 people in Scotland who have experienced a heart attack, they need to keep exercises to help their recoveries and prevent a recurrent.
However, for those elderly independent people who have survived a heart attack, some of them may have to face the mental challenges of anxiety, fear, and losing confidence. Those emotional issues could lead a persona less likely to do exercises or starts to avoid things because of this fear.
We contacted the Govan Reminiscence Group in the southwest of Glasgow and conducted a workshop with 10 elderly people with different health problems. After the conversation with them, we found that elderly people who live alone were not likely rely too much on the help from others. They think living alone is something should be proud of, because that means they are still able to charge of things. But heart health problems greatly affected their confidence to live alone.
Expert Interview
With Richard Forsyth, the health services engagement lead from BHF Scotland
Users Interview
With isolated elderly people from Govan Reminiscence Group
We created a persona and user journey map of the target user based on the collected information.The user's negative thoughts are the starting points for us to find proper specific design theme and opportunities. We categorized and analyzed them, and find his fear of out of control is a typical one during the whole process. And to explore further, such a mindset could be caused by four reasons, his consciousness of self-value, self-management, unexpected changes, and can’t aware of the progress.
User Journey Map
We aim to support the elderly independent people with heart conditions in recognizing their recovery progress and the value of his contribution:
Offer an opportunity for a healthy, fun routine;
Build on existing strengths;
Show their social values to the community;
Give positive feedback for their recovery progress;
Social attractions;
Promote societal health and wellbeing.
So we developed a connected, accessible gardening service to help people recover from poor heart health. Sensors in the garden provide metrics to suggest tasks recommended by healthcare professionals that gently improve fitness. People who have suffered from poor health are the stewards of the garden. By engaging with nature, making friends, and encouraging exercise, Greenspace offers the opportunity to improve individual and societal well-being.
Service Blue Print
Interaction Process
To see the whole project proposal